The Struggle of Overcoming Your Innermost Struggles
Your path to peace begins with understanding why you are thinking, feeling and behaving the way you are and learning how to permanently change it.
Addressing only the symptoms of the problem or focusing on what your thoughts, emotions and behaviors should be, can lead to feeling frustrated, shame, hopeless and weak each time you struggle.
Common Solutions
Between therapy, self-help books, blogs, and podcasts, there are millions of options to choose from when considering which path to take to overcome your innermost struggles. More often than not, these solutions focus on the symptoms and the "what" rather than providing the "why" and "how."
The idea of needing therapy can bring up negative thoughts like, "what's wrong with me?" or "what if it doesn't work?" Maybe you've tried therapy in the past and felt like it didn't work and you're still struggling.
Self-help is great way to continue to grow once you understand the problem, but is often a path of solitude without support or someone to help apply what you learn to all aspects of your life.
A Better Journey

The Upstream Path™ is a powerful approach that delivers a completely new shift in your understanding of yourself, your experiences, and the world around you. This proprietary approach provides a step-by-step process to identify the root cause of inner-turmoil and overcome it to find peace, regardless of what's happened, where you've been, what you've done, or what you've tried in the past. And, having someone to show you how to apply it to all areas of your life, means you won't be on this journey alone.
The Upstream Path™ is used in all of our one-on-one coaching, online hybrid programs, group training and workshops, ensuring our clients have the best journey ahead of them.
A Path to Peace

Break Free From Anxiety, Hurt, & Negative Thoughts
Understanding the root cause of your innermost struggles and having a step-by-step process to overcome them puts YOU in control.

Build Healthy Relationships
Understanding and regulating your own thoughts, emotions and behaviors will allow you to identify and understand them in others and interact and communicate in a way that produces deeper, healthier bonds.

Have Internal Peace Regardless of External Circumstances
Truly having control over your state-of-mind means external factors can no longer control how you feel internally.
You're Not Alone
Like you, these Upstream clients once struggled with things like anxiety, anger, frustration, or hopelessness, hidden behind a brave smile, outgoing personality, or external success.

Anna Orn
"The impact of this program on my life has been nothing short of remarkable! By practicing these invaluable skills, I have been able to navigate conflicts and challenging situations with a newfound sense of resilience and emotional intelligence. This has led to improved communication and a more harmonious home and work environment."

Jason Urbanczyk
”This course has changed my life in more ways than I thought possible. I now face adversity with open arms and I’m able to overcome by thinking in a positive, clear frame of mind. Basically, this has made me a better person. I like myself again and the more I practice these skills the better my life is getting and will get. Thank you!”

Bobby Hawkins
"Troy is someone who can relate to everybody. People used to say I was unreachable. Troy reached me.
For the first time I’m seeing everything with my eyes wide open. I can see things and process them differently because I’m in the moment. And when you can take yourself out of the situation, and be in the moment, everything is different."
"Beyond the Barriers" Project.
How effective is the Upstream Path™ approach in some of the most difficult situations possible? I put it to the test in the Cass County Jail with men from all walks of life, many repeat offenders with a long history of violence and drug abuse.
Watch the video to hear how the Upstream Path™ not only transformed the men in an environment that is often volatile, but changed the environment itself.
Are We A Good Fit?
We want to be a good fit for our clients and we want clients who are a good fit for us. So here are some answers to questions we get most often that can help you decide if you should take the next step.
What is the difference between Upstream Coaching and Therapy?
Can Upstream help with anxiety and depression?
Can this program help me heal from past trauma?
How long does it take to see results?
How old do you have to be?
Will I have to talk about things that make me uncomfortable or painful things from the past.
I have experienced a great deal of success and have everything I want but I'm still feeling unfulfilled. Can this help me?
If you have further questions you need to discuss, please feel free to schedule a Discovery Call or send me an Email!